With any celestial conflict between planetary forces, the first planet to rise owns the superior position in the fight. Therefore the wise player of the multi-dimensional chess game not only takes the superior position, he provides massive resources to appear to be the side that holds the higher ground in every sense: morally, intellectually, technologically, philosophically, psychologically, in terms of power and will, and to create a narrative of inevitability around their cause. Knowing the nature of the conflict in the skies, he will then tailor his strategy to most closely mimic that of the early rising planet.
As above, so below. Create the narrative on earth that mimics the narrative of the skies: while we have an astrologically illiterate population, their ignorance cannot and will not protect them It never has…It’s better if they don’t know.
The truly prescient player not only puts themselves on the higher ground, he also makes every effort to define the terms of engagement, he makes every effort to set the rules. He tells you what is moral and virtuous in no uncertain terms. He not only shapes the story of the inevitable victor, he defines, infiltrates and mollifies the opposition. He frames the debate on both sides of the conflict.
In every imaginable way, he Davos crowd has done exactly these things.
The public face of the “fight against COVID” could not be a more Aquarian and Saturnian character: an older male bureaucrat “scientist” who is so ossified and entrenched in the system that he has essentially generated a mesmeric field of confusion around what medicine itself is. He is simultaneously the cause of the “worlds’ greatest health crisis” and it’s inevitable messiah, and as such can contradict himself from day to day and week to week, and still reverential lapdogs swoon at his ability to navigate the rapidly changing seas of the existential crisis he has quite clearly created. He is embedded in the deep state so deeply that he can claim to BE science and somehow a significant part of the population does not burst out laughing- because, well, he’s the authority. He is the shining new/ old face of virtue laden communitarian safe zone patriotism that has suddenly and swiftly superseded freedom and liberty as the highest ideals of the nation.
A man who speaks like your malignant helicopter mother might, profoundly concerned about your safety above all, so deeply concerned about the welfare of society that the suspension of the dangerous and selfish constitution is deemed a minor sacrifice. A man who can somehow convince a large part of the population that a “disease” that has literally no fatality among children or teens or the healthy demands that children be masked, isolated, experimented on, jabbed, tested and surveilled, quarantined and told that they might kill their grandparents even if they have no symptoms of any kind. All to save the elderly who, upon getting seasonal respiratory symptoms- which have always been dangerous to the frail- are treated in the exact same inhumane and eugenics- informed fashion, plus novel intubation and extremely toxic drugs that cause renal failure.
An elderly and detached bureaucrat projecting toxic femininity, destroying children’s lives in the name of protecting society, pioneering a new dogmatic religion around science that would make the inquisition look like rank amateurs. Deplatforming and infantilizing the non compliant population, quashing and censoring all who oppose him, all in the name of compassion and the “greater good”. Stealing the Promethean fire decisively with promises of a new paradigm of utopian and all powerful “genetic medicine” that supersedes all that came before, a brave new world of mRNA, surgical nanotech graphene hydra bots riding into your veins on super-frozen ethylene glycol. Trust the science.
This has been and continue to be an extreme Saturnian strategy of domination, not a Martial one. Saturn is the little person, the average, lame, the oppressed, so what are we being given?
A Revolution of the Downtrodden. In fact, the Martial Father Figure is being ritually sacrificed, emasculated, demonized. The armies have not been mobilized on a large scale, the power of community based police to perform it’s function has been hobbled. The police rapidly have become meter maids, mask- and- passport bureaucrats, show me your papers, comply or be fined. The strong, intimidating, masculine authority figure is being relegated to the waste basket, blamed and pilloried, defamed and defunded in every way possible. Extraordinarily traumatic public displays of sadomasochism by individual police upon minorities have been exploited and burnt into the public mind. Black and White signs dot the landscape, these lives matter, don’t even try to argue the black and white narrative or you are clearly full of hate and racism.
The theme that the government is “finally protecting the interests of the downtrodden” is absolutely central to the worldwide neo-Bolshevik collectivism.
Hand me the scythe, Kronos, it’s time to get to work.