Business Services

Astrological Services to Support Your Business

Astrology has been used for thousands of years to choose the most auspicious timing to take action- for example, when to plant certain crops, or when to embark on a sea voyage, when to launch a military campaign and what strategies will be successful. Astrology is a science not only of the stars, but of the seasons: everything has its season, and this ancient science has an incredible amount to offer in these areas.

The ancient and very specific timing techniques used to make these choices are known as Electional Astrology. This is one of my areas of specialization.

These same techniques work equally well today in making vital business decisions, for example:

-Choosing when to launch a new enterprise- choose the most auspicious “natal chart” for the birth of your dream project.

-Deciding when to make a new product offering, and when to begin marketing it.

-When to open a new branch office, or when to make a new important hire.

These are just some of the possibilities…. We are in a time of extraordinary instability. Long term astrological projections can help you steer the vessel of your business through difficult times, into new levels of prosperity. 

Crises can and do present opportunities for those willing to look at the large scale patterns that astrology has addressed for millenia.  

If this sounds like it may be right for you, I am available either on retainer, or for consulting on specific projects. Please send me a message and we can discuss how this service might be right for your business.

Send me an email to inquire

Moon original art by Pamela Schneider