Persephone's complexities: The Myth and the God who captured Her: persephone’s zodiac part 7

Persephone is the mother of the Life Force of the Natural World which is birthed into the Upper World in the Spring, at which point it is shepherded through the extroverted and masculine Fertile Year through the Summer, from the seed to the shoot, from the leaf to the fruit.

In the Fall, the Life Force falls away from the fruit and the leaf, descending toward the Root. The fruit is harvested, the leaves fall away. The Life Force becomes introverted and enters the feminine Underworld of the Winter, and the Goddess becomes barren.

This process is inverted in the Southern Hemisphere, creating a planetary balance.

The pomegranate and the grape are central to the mythology. The fruit is analogous to the flesh of the Goddess, and the wine is Her blood.

Or, the flesh and blood of Her Son, depending on the mythological context.

The archetypal planets in astrology rule the Signs of the Seasons. These are the shepherds of the Life Force. They are the Forces of Nature that consort with the Goddess to give birth to the bounty of the Fertile Year and impregnate Her, and guide Her though the barren Underworld in the Fall and Winter.

The Queen of the Fertile Year is also the Queen of the Underworld.

Persephone is not necessarily Good in Her fertile time, nor is She necessarily Evil when She is in the Underworld. She is the essence of the season. The seasons are cyclical.

In order to understand the philosophy behind the Persephone figure, we need to largely jump into deep ancient history, past the theology of Abrahamic religions, and past the philosophy of the Platonists and Neoplatonists. We need to look to the Pre-Socratic philosophers, who were Naturalists. They sought to find Natural Law.

The Pre-Socratics spoke of the natural world as being the result of opposing forces or polarities- heat and cold, light and dark, fire and water, earth and air. They theorized that the universe arose from a single original element- an idea which became more nuanced and developed over the generations. The world was a system that moved in cycles, not the result of capricious Gods acting randomly. Humanity is not given knowledge by the Gods, rather we must rely upon our own faculties to understand this world.

Pre-Socratic philosophers understood that humanity has a dual nature, the Titanic animal nature on one hand, and the spirit, the animating force. This basic concept was foundational to later philosophies, including the Platonist/ NeoPlatonist/ Christian theologies. But the context is substantially different: the Pre-Socratics were not thinking of theology in the same way. The Titanic or animal nature was considered divine, as was the animating spirit.

Pre-Socratic philosophy seems pretty well preserved in Astrology, if we are willing to understand the context.

Persephone is the mythic Mother of the Life Force, her child is the baby Dionysus, called Zagreus. The name Zagreus is etymologically linked to the Greek word for Life, Zoon. This would make the term Zodiac even more logical, since the Zodiac is tracking the Life Force and not just a “small group of animals”.

Zagreus/ Dionysus is the bigendered nature god. We have already traced the story of the gynomorph and all of the issues that brought up when perverted by the monist way of thinking.

The Persephone myth is also prophetic in a larger, more epochal sense which we have hinted at.

This abduction and imprisonment is quite different from the naturalistic cyclical story described in the Persephone myth. This imprisonment persists past the cycles of the year.

Persephone remains in an epochal Underworld, having been placed there by our collective trauma, facilitated and magnified by monist social engineers. From this we have inherited a deeply conflicted and confused attitude toward the Natural World, with the specter of Transhumanism poised to take up the yoke of Her digital Internet of Things (IOT) imprisonment.

In the Septuagint, Yahweh tells us that he is going to punish women by giving them pain in childbirth if they eat of the Tree of Knowledge. This does not mean what we have assumed that it means.

This was not the mystical and primordial beginning of time we believe it to be, rather it was speaking of something contemporary to the time when monism exploded throughout the ancient world.

Yahweh was declaring war on the Goddess.

The Monists were declaring the end of the Goddess’ divinity, and therefore the end of women’s equal or superior place in society. It was the legalization and institutionalization of a slave system rising out of an extremist cult.

The “Creation Myth” of the Book of Genesis was a threat, in a book written in the early half of the 2nd century BCE. The cult was declaring its intention to systematically remove women’s access to midwifery. Women’s medicine of the ancient world had already made pain in childbirth far less significant through herbs and other medicines and practices. All medicine of the ancient world was rooted in women’s medicine, the techniques of healing grew and flowered from there.

Women and men learned these skills through observation, experimentation and intuition, and through prophetic use of consciousness-altering substances. These are still the tools we need to grasp in order to live in harmony here, in the Goddess’ Creation.

With this in mind, we can return to the Persephone myth.

Yahweh begins to look much more like an archetypal Hades, who erupted from the herd-like underworld of the Monist cult to abduct the Goddess.

However, there is no reason to believe Hades in the polytheist Persephone myth was a misogynist seeking to socially engineer society into monist theocracy. The Underworld that Yahweh has taken Persephone into is far darker and more twisted than anyone in the ancient world could have predicted, save those who planned and executed the crime.

Yahweh has abducted the Goddess and brought us to an epoch where She is chattel, property, to be groomed like livestock from the age of 3 into a life of slavery. This is the realization of the Atonist dream of the pharaoh Akhenaton who tried to decimate the traditional Ammonist culture of Egypt.

Atonism had remained in the shadows of history after the fall of Akhenaton, but their movements can be tracked and identified once we open our eyes to see their fingerprints across time. The Atonists may have gone to Israel in part, but there is contemporary textual evidence from the Hellenistic era indicating that the people we know as Jews largely were from Crete. There is a great deal of evidence to show that they were ostensibly polytheistic up until the 2nd century BC, at which point evidence appears that Torah law and practices began to be observed.

We do know that Scota or Meritaten, the daughter of Akhenaton, arrived in Ireland and attempted to take over the country, presumably because Akhenaton’s lineage was from Ireland.

Atonism is a perverted monist form of occulted Sun worship. But the cult is entirely interested in power, above anything else. They have coopted and repurposed any and all archetypal stories or figures to add false provenance and gravitas to their cause. The books we know as the Bible are nearly entirely sourced from more ancient polytheistic sources, edited and distilled to carry their message.

Through an extraordinarily involved process, the Goddess was sent into the Unconscious Realm- this did not change the Goddess since She was already there; rather the trauma damaged our vision and cognition so we could no longer see Her as She truly is in the fertile and productive world.

And the pathological aspects of the Goddess have been selected for and rewarded, or punished and negatively reinforced.

This is not to say that the Goddess, as the archetypal woman, is entirely without culpability- there is no question that women have been preyed upon and victimized, and that remains the case now. But women all over the world perpetuate this paradigm, if they did not, it would have fallen.

There is a great deal of evidence to show that women have been involved in the abduction from the beginning. The remarkable prevalence of feminine symbolism in the allegedly Patriarchal Abrahamic religions can be viewed as proof that there is at least a high level cabal of women insiders who influence and perhaps pull the strings of the world’s power centers.

This is likely true, to one extent or another, and it is also proof of the power of what has come to be known as the victim-perpetrator-enabler triangle.

The Abrahamic religions are based in social regulation, which makes sense since human trafficking is clearly at its root. The Pre-Socratic ideal was the cultivation of relationship with Nature. Once this relationship is broken and our institutions are built to keep us fearing Nature and always looking upward to a monist Sky God’s heaven, this particular captivity is difficult to escape from

The misogynist God has focused upon aspirational gynomorphic masculinity to the exclusion of the Goddess- and in doing so, masculinity itself has become utterly meaningless. Masculinity is defined by Femininity, and vice versa. Misogyny is not implicit in patriarchy, but it is fundamental in this gynomorphic monist version.

His Priests are celibate, or castrated, symbolically or literally aspire to transcend the realm of the Goddess, which is sexual and embodied. The pederasty within the Church reflects the grooming culture of the Sky God and His Cup Bearers.

Monist Patriarchy as we know it is not about elevating Masculinity, since it has taken a position that degrades the entire spectrum of Gender. This control mechanism has been more than happy to throw masculinity under the bus as needed, as has been evidenced especially in the 30 plus years, with It is about societal control, or rather Trauma-based mind control.

Cults operate by brutally manipulating the individual’s psychology, imprinting the victim-abuser-enabler triangle upon them.

The legacy of all this leaves us trained to see the Goddess as pornographic, dark and debauched, a natural world that we loathe and fear, and an inner landscape that we refuse to face. We have invisible control structures that emanate from a damaged worldview and operate on guilt, fear, virtue signaling and self-negation.


Persephone's Psychology: Mother of Dionysus, Maternal Instinct versus Will to Power, persephone’s zodiac part 8


Socially Engineering the Goddess into Oblivion: persephone’s zodiac part 6