The archetypal Christ, Galli priests and the initiation: Persphone’s zodiac Part 4
In order to make way for a healthy and conscious return of the Goddess within us, we must name and identify what has suppressed the Goddess-based worldview over the course of millennia.
As long as the true nature of the forces that have driven the Goddess from our hearts and minds remains occulted, our embrace of the Goddess will be remain deeply conflicted- if not impossible.
All of the darkness that comes with Her will continue to arise conspicuously from the collective unconscious.
And we will point fingers at this darkness and continue to repress the Goddess in her wholeness, because we cannot see the larger picture.
It is only when we see the larger picture that we will ever be able to embrace the nuanced story of the paradigm in which we live.
With this knowledge we can begin to approach an awakening.
There is no point in demonizing those who choose to maintain and support the dominant paradigm, rather this information will serve anyone who pursues it to make appropriate and thoughtful choices.
The Goddess is embodied femininity, something that a truly masculine-dominated world would certainly appreciate and revere. Most masculine archetypes flourish in the presence of fully embodied femininity. It is only in the presence of strong femininity that true masculinity can express itself.
The revered and deified monist gynomorph is at the root of the suppression of the Goddess.
Jesus was this monist gynomorph.
The monist gynomorph aspires to replace the Goddess. This is a doctrinal necessity in order to establish dominion and hegemony.
This is why Christian institutions simultaneously mimic the Goddess’ hallowed traditions and also demonize Her mercilessly, casting Her either into the pits of a metaphorical Hell or relegating her to a subservient virginal status.
These church rites are hollow shells of what came before. They still resonate with many, but the original Goddess context has been carefully subverted, and the act of subversion has been occulted.
The monist paradigm presents us with exalted feminine archetypes, but they all serve as vessels of the gynomorph. They constellate around Jesus, they play important parts of Jesus’ story, but they are members of a Mystery Cult that prophesied the coming of the gynomorphic bigendered God in the Bacchic tradition.
There is no Goddess in the Catholic Trinity.
There are female saints.
The women around Jesus were typical (or perhaps exceptional) members and practitioners, even leaders of mystery drug cults, involved in the various rites and practices including the formulation of the drugs that were central to Mystery rites.
It is impossible to know if these women would have supported and endorsed the version of Christianity that was to emerge centuries later. As previously noted, early Christian cults had many women leaders among them, not just members.
The women around Jesus were also temple prostitutes.
Among the children who surrounded Jesus were his disciples, all of an age range approximately 10-18, and it is were likely they were also prostitutes.
These things are so far outside of modern concepts of morality, entirely contrary to what is acceptable and even possible, that most people will dismiss this offhand as slander.
But a proper translation of the ancient Greek Bible makes these things undeniable.
This is simply how these cults worked.
The role of cultists and cultism in the suppression of Goddess consciousness cannot be underestimated.
The suppression of Goddess consciousness is so self defeating and unnatural that only a deeply indoctrinated cult with carefully crafted and rigid dogma could undertake this level of criminality and make this crime appear virtuous, then maintain and cover up the crime.
The gynomorph rejects his manhood in an act of self mutilation which does not, in reality, equate to gaining womanhood at all. That is entirely mythological.
This mythology is resurfacing today.
It is the denial of sexuality wholesale, or at least appearing to, while embracing a very unsavory and non-consensual form of sexuality.
The realm of physical sex belongs to the Goddess. This means all sex, not only the feminine side of sex, the Goddess rules the body and all aspects of reproduction.
She also rules male sexuality and desire.
Astrology gives us a cosmological context that supports this.
In astrology we can see that Mars, perhaps the most masculine of the planetary archetypes, is part of the Night Sect. This is the feminine grouping of planets that is most correlated with the body, physical sex and the emotions.
Mars is considered a malefic planet because his role within this sect is to disrupt it and fertilize it, just as an agricultural worker does when he tills and seeds the earth.
Modern pop psychology might label Mars as “toxic masculinity”, and this archetype definitely has this potentiality.
Mars is simply one aspect of the Goddess herself. It is no more toxic in esssnce than any other archetype.
Mars’ symbol is the arrow or pointed line emerging from the circle. The circle is the earth, the Goddess herself; Mars is the emerging masculine force. The arrow is also the phallus.
The masculine force is progressive and attempts to transcend. Mars is the archetypal force that breaks up the feminine essence when it becomes too harmonized and static.
It is also consciousness emerging from the unconscious.
Mars is also correlated to the birth event. Mars is the raw emergence of life, and he also assists in breaking life down.
If one looks toward Taoism, one finds the tai chi symbol, a circle divided into a dark half and a light half as an excellent analogous representation of the two astrological sects, Day and Night. These are separate realms of archetypal being which are interdependent, constantly mixing, creating and destroying. They are defined by each other but are basically following different rules.
There is a white dot in the black half of the tai chi symbol, and a black dot in the white half. These contrasting dots can be correlated to the malefic planets- they represent the forces that disrupt the sect that they are in and bring things back to the other side.
Within the white section or Day Sect are the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. Mercury is able to coalesce with either sect. Saturn serves the role of the malefic.
Saturn is an archetypal Sky God, like Jupiter and the Sun, but mythology shows us that he castrated his father, Uranus, in the service of his Mother, Gaia. Saturn is the Oedipal child who emasculates and reaps in the name of his Mother. He signifies limitation, diminution, death through old age and wasting or degenerative disease.
He returns things to the Great Mother.
The Bacchic agricultural bigendered God in the Goddess tradition has the aspects of both Mars and Saturn, and definitely Mercury, but the monist gynomorph is much more the child of Saturn than of Mars.
Mythology tells us Mercury is the son of Jupiter. Mercury is sometimes described as the hermaphrodite, but that is essentially different than a sexless gynomorph.
Jesus is a messiah, a messenger of God just as Mercury was messenger of Jupiter and the other gods.
Jupiter was the reigning Sky God in the Hellenic era. One aspect of the archetypal Sky God was to have a cup-bearer, a prepubescent boy from whom the God would drink. Early Christianity clearly maintained this tradition
The satyr God, Priapus, was depicted with an enormous erect phallus in ancient depictions. This archetype was entirely erased and demonized in the monist gynomorphic tradition.
The Saturn archetype is defined by castration, and while there is only one specific reference in the Bible when Jesus tells his followers to castrate themselves, there are other more veiled suggestions that Jesus may have been ritually castrating young men.
Artistic renderings of Jesus very often depict him with the golden halo. This signifies the Sun. Christianity has elements of solar worship, just as the Bacchic rising and dying god would be closely correlated to the Sun.
The nature of monism is to lay claim to, and appropriate, the power all the archetypes that it possibly can. It claims the ultimate power and also the ultimate exalted martyrdom. The Sun is the brightest. warmest and most powerful heavenly object.
Jesus mimics the bigendered Nature God whom he also replaces- for in this paradigm there can only be the one purified and reborn savior. All else is demonic.
When Christ arrives on the historical scene, it appears that the simple trope of this bigendered God had already become much more distorted, abstract and occluded than it presumably originally was.
The resurrection trope that dominates Christian theology has its roots in the Mystery rites of the Bacchic cults, in which a theriac (wild beast) drug would be administered to the initiate.
The “wild beast” is an aspect of the Great Goddess.
The theriac would bring the initiate into a state of mortal terror, a psychedelic journey intended to alter the initiate permanently. The cult leaders would guide the initiate through a death and rebirth experience that has potential to awaken them to a state of enlightenment, but this drug-induced state can also be a form of trauma-based mind control.
It seems likely that the initiate would sense a lack of fear and a devotion to the cult as a result of this transformative event, but Christian dogma actually plays upon fears of eternal Hell and damnation. This, combined with ritual sexual trauma from childhood as described above, sounds more like trauma based mind control than any true awakening.
The Christian Savior is Reborn through a chemically induced death, a Mystery Rite, into a state of exalted purification. This was a heavenly Aeonic state that is outside of normal time. This life outside of normal consciousness is not the same as eternal life. We’re not entirely sure what this really meant, possibly it means an altered state of consciousness.
Castration is a central part of this self-destructive and self-negating process. Ritual circumcision is a foreshadowing, something that prepares the male psyche early on for the ultimate loss.
Circumcision was an identifying physical mark by which cult members could identify one another.
To castrate oneself literally or figuratively is to give over one’s power, to surrender one’s masculine character and to embody an exclusively receptive or feminine archetypal essence. It also constitutes a return to a childlike and dependent state. Cults demand that their members relinquish their individuality to the cult.
The pagan cult of Cybele and Attis had many of the broad outlines of what early Christian cults adopted as their own.
The cult of Cybele and Attis was a cult whose priests castrated themselves, moving toward a bizarre and unnatural twisting of the utterly simple and comprehensible Nature God archetype. In the polytheistic version, there was no question that everything came from the Great Goddess and returned to Her. All Bacchic tradition has the Goddess as its base, until the monist cults came along.
Christian theology carefully erases this basic fact and substitutes the monist archetypal Sky God in place of the Great Goddess.
The logic that brought us to where we are now is perfectly clear.