Persephone’s ZODIAC: Finding Patriarchy part 2

There is a powerful trope alive in the collective consciousness that sees humanity practically enslaved in an epoch of entrenched monist patriarchy.

This hegemonic egregore, believed to be patriarchy, is implanted in our consciousness so deeply that we cannot even see or recognize it.

It has become foundational to our collective sense of identity.

It is like the air we breathe.

Or better yet: If we were fish, it would be the water we swim in.

Moreover, it would be the fishbowl that contains the water.

When we initially become aware of our containment, we almost immediately encounter a sense of both horror and liberation.

We sense horror for our seeming helplessness and stupidity.

We sense Liberation in the realization that there actually is something outside of the fishbowl.

To be clear, the patriarchal fishbowl is not simply a religious construct. And, when examined closely, it becomes clear that it is a very odd sort of patriarchy.

This bizarre nature of of the paradigm makes things far more complex. Simple answers to unraveling this tightly woven container do not exist.

We cannot simply adopt atheist materialism and pretend that we’re free.

By doing so we actually make the fishbowl significantly smaller in some ways. This is no escape.

This fishbowl container is reinforced both through religious and secular indoctrination, 2 pillars supporting a monist worldview. Understanding monism is one of the actual keys to seeing what’s really happening.

The secular pillar of this space is something we can loosely call scientific materialism, reduced to scientism. It is every bit as stifling as is religious captivity.

True scientific methodology is something quite different than the container that’s been fitted for contemporary society.

Scientism also proposes a foundational worldview that is both monist and linear. It posits complete and unquestioning obedience to technocratic authority, replacing the priestly robes with the white labcoat.

Scientism gives us a parade of dynastic scientific paradigms, each one as theoretical and ephemeral as the last. Each holds temporary hegemony over public discourse in their period of dominance, only to be usurped in time by a revolutionary new set of dogmatic theories.

Scientism mostly succeeds in making itself harder to detect than does religious hegemony.

Scientism replaces the gynomorphic priesthood in the soaring stone churches with the sexless technocratic bureaucracy in the dead, concrete brutalist government building.

Monist patriarchy is a broad and diverse movement which originally swept across the Mediterranean and Asia in several forms, beginning at some point in deep prehistoric times up through the early years prior to the common era, and it continues as a global juggernaut to this day.

The mindset of monism has been battling nonstop for full hegemony over the psychological, physical and spiritual worlds- all aspects of the human soul, which is diminishes and captures.

This monist cult takes no prisoners, demanding conversion and renunciation of indigenous tribal ways and worldviews no matter how seemingly crude or sophisticated.

Those indigenous tribal ways clearly are the Goddess traditions, whether of European origin or coming from elsewhere.

Those who have resisted this multi-pronged crusade have met with an array of responses ranging from confused stone cold silence, blank stares and ignorant dismissal, all the way through burning at the stake.

There is no question that monism is doing exactly this.


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