The Persephone myth invites a profound discussion about the seasons, balance, duality, gender struggles, psychology, creation and destruction just to begin. It is a myth that seems to become more and more salient and discloses more and more wisdom as time passes.
This discussion becomes far more profound when we understand the archetypes that were most central to the Bacchic tradition, which is the occulted root of our civilization.
The gynomorph is central to this tradition, the androgyne who represents the combined masculine and feminine. It is exemplified by seasonal gods who rise and fall, Bacchus, Dionysus, Attis and many others who always lead us back to the Goddess. As previously stated. Abrahamic religions are entirely rooted in the Bacchic tradition fused with monist Atonism, descended from Akhenaton. They lead us into twisted theology and dogma that is simply not reflective of Nature.
The seasonal celebrations of Easter and Christmas, among other things, remind us unequivocally of these roots. The Christian ascetic attitude toward sex and its seemingly unshakeable shadow of pederasty also confirm this.
The Virgin Birth is an ancient trope coming out of Goddess cults who wanted to remove the biological father from the child’s life, so the cult could raise the child under the cult’s rules- breeding more cultists for generations. Instead of a earthly father, the cults would claim that the Sky God descended from Heaven, or the woman sat upon a magic rock to become impregnated. The children of Temple prostitutes would logically be the property of the cult.
This does not honor biological reality, yet this story is a lynchpin of Christianity.
The Goddess is literally in the Underworld half the year. The moralistic dogmatic idea that equates the Good with God and rejects the Other as lacking divinity is anathema to ancient thinking, which simply approached the Darkness with apophasis.
We learn about what is good though a process of negation. This never ends.
This does not mean that the Darkness should be allowed to fester and dominate within ourselves, but it should also be understood that this struggle is part of our nature that helps to geminate and midwife the Good. We cannot cut the Darkness away like a cancer, nor can we entirely inoculate ourselves from it. Only enhanced and self aware consciousness can guide us through this process.
Only a worldview that integrates psychological honesty and love of the physical world without pathological tolerance for self-negation can help us through this essentially human experience.
She is divine in Her Darkness just as She is divine in the Light, but we approach Her differently in Her different aspects.
The monist gynomorph gives us a fallacious sense of Transcendence.
It logically leads us to Transhumanism.
The modern transsexual movement is the progeny of Gender Ideology and Transhumanism. Transsexualism has existed in the human experience as long as we have recorded history, as I have illustrated through these posts, but what is happening now is unique to this era.
As if on cue, the medicalized and politicized transsexual movement has exploded in the contemporary collective consciousness. It is framed as the newest endangered and oppressed minority group championed by leftist culture warriors.
It is clearly an expression of Transhumanism.
Dozens of Celebrities and their children have come forth as being transsexual and had medical interventions. Some observers believe that transsexuality has been much more prevalent in Hollywood than commonly realized for a very long time.
What was considered- correctly or not- to be a form of mental illness has become the newest set of heroes and martyrs in a culture war.
To be sure, this does not mean that individuals on this path understand what is happening on a large scale, or are necessarily motivated by anything resembling what is described here.
The larger gender ideology movement and its protected prodigy, the trans movement, is the loose modern gynomorphic equivalent of the ancient Galli. It appears on the surface to be a part of a Goddess-based revival, men seeking to express their femininity and women seeking their masculinity, but it is actually a subversion of the Goddess echoing the historical precedent of the Galli.
It is on the surface a secular movement, but the underlying ideology- Gender Theory- is every bit as faith-based and cultish as any religious group. Transhumanism is clearly a religion.
It does not matter if there is an overt religious component or not to this movement. The purpose of this socially engineered movement is not personal liberation, though individuals may experience that feeling when they resonate with this dogma.
This movement is not organic. It has been engineered by ideologues and corporate interests with a broad agenda.
The agenda of those promoting the movement is clearly monetary on the one hand, as the patients who undergo the treatments will require a lifetime of medical attention.
It also serves a eugenics agenda, which is no secret. The result of these operations is sterility.
The larger goal is to undermine the societal power and identity of women.
Stories of the constant and pervasive oppression and persecution of trans people, some unverifiable, have gained celebrity endorsement. The questionable embrace of the trans movement as a human rights issue by culture warriors on the Left has led to wide scale “protection” of trans people and their gaining access to facilities and events that have previously been reserved for members of the opposite sex due to the clear potential for sexual misconduct.
Gender ideology has taken hold of bureaucratic government culture and holds rigid control over higher education institutions and culture. Social media algorithms are clearly set to quash any discussion of this topic that is not entirely supportive.
The return to prominence of the gynomorph as a highly revered and even a superior expression of individuality undermines the very identity and existence of women.
As previously mentioned, the plight of women tracks with the plight of the Goddess.
Some celebrate the ascendance of this androgyne/ gynomorphic archetype as if it heralds the return of a Golden Age.
There is no returning to the past, nor should we aspire to that. This has potential to derail our learning the truth about the Golden Age, the Aeon of Saturn.
A return to some idealized ancient paradigm in which there were allegedly more fluid ideas of gender and no concept of homosexuality or lesbianism, where line between priests and priestesses and prostitutes was entirely blurred, and eunuchs were spiritually enhanced priests of the Great Goddess may sound liberating. However, these ideas are also convenient cover for the mainstreaming of child trafficking for sexual exploitation, also a feature of ancient culture.
The Orwellian attempts to turn women into utilitarian “birthing persons” degrades both sexes and all of humanity. Not unlike the Virgin Birth myth, it has a specific purpose that serves a specific group of people, and the casualty is truth and reason.
The original medicine known to humanity was the use of herbs and animal substances by women to regulate their menstruation and control fertility.
The Goddess is functional fertility and creativity, and the Goddess gives us all of the substances and practices that can be used to enhance our lives.
The idea that the body we have been given is wrong, even if it came with problems, results from victim mentality. There are no promises of equality, or even proper function, but our creative ingenuity gives us the potential to improve the lives of people in many ways.
The Goddess tradition gave birth to medicine. And medicine has been one of the most abused and corrupted institutions throughout human history- but we should by no means abandon it.
The assertion that the Goddess herself somehow traps us in the wrong body at birth clearly resonates with some people. Some may believe that the Goddess calls them to experience both masculine and feminine physical forms.
This idea certainly holds provenance in the western tradition; however we must be willing to look back and say that gynomorphism as a spiritual path was confusing and problematic thousands of years ago, and it is confusing and problematic now.
It was, and is, a metaphor that has been taken literally. The rising and dying bigendered seasonal god is not something we can become. It is purely aspirational.
The philosophical and even physical exploration of both sides of the generative river of life is a beautiful concept, but as soon as anyone on either side claims total hegemony over the river, they likely will get swept away in the churning grey waters.
This does not deny the right of anyone who is of age to have these procedures done, nor does it give anyone license to discriminate or hate on people who choose this.
When a movement is manufactured, as is the case here, and the members are given “special protected status” which shields them from criticism and normal scrutiny, we can be certain that they are being set up as targets and scape goats. This a smoke screen set up to shield criminal behavior against women and children.
No one is questioning how and why the medical establishment is championing the use of castration drugs as a part of this “human rights” campaign. No one is questioning the use of public funds to pay for these procedures, or rather those who do question al of this are labeled transphobic and blackballed.
There is more than adequate evidence to show that the medical establishment does not have our best interest in mind. Most physicians have become glorified drug dealers, and medical professional who attempts to call this out will likely lose their license,
The people who undergo these procedures seldom understand that it is largely experimental. Actual outcomes can be extremely unpredictable and even fatal.
The modification of the body does not change who and what we are as people. It solves nothing, a psychologically unhealthy person undergoing a physical procedure will remain unhealthy upon the completion of the procedure.
This was true of the Galli priests 2 millennia ago, and it is true of the modern equivalents.
To be sure, unlike the Galli priests, contemporary people who undergo modern medical and pharmacological “sex change” procedures require a lifetime of treatments to support the hormonal changes and the physical complications associated with the modification of the body.
The Galli priests, we can presume, did not have exactly these issues. But there are recorded cases of regret among the young men who were ritually castrated in ancient times.