This eclipse is extremely intense by degree and several planets are directly involved, including Uranus tightly conjunct the Moon in Taurus under Rahu, the North Node, while in Scorpio Mercury is in an extremely tight cazimi to the Sun, and Venus is only 4 degrees from the Sun in a separating conjunction under the shade of Ketu, the South Node. These planets are all in a tight T Square to Saturn in Aquarius, while the Scorpio stellium is also in a trine to Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, and those planets are in square to retrograde Mars in Gemini.
Pluto has a similar trine to the Moon and Uranus, and sextile to Jupiter and Neptune and to Venus in Scorpio. It’s a remarkable daisy chain of connection.
No planet is untouched.
Taurus is the one place in the Zodiac where the 2 overtly feminine archetypes, Moon and Venus symbolically converge in high dignity together- and what an eclipse does is to make visible the dark side of things, so this eclipse reveals a lot about the dark feminine forces at play in the world- not necessarily women, of course, rather this implicates these primordial forces which influence the overall mood and actions of humanity, which is highly polarized. The death goddess archetypes include Medusa, Hecate, Kali, Cybele, Hel, and many others. These are not evil archetypes by nature so much as they are vengeful, reactive and dangerous, and they serve a function, which is to protect the fertile goddess, and this role should not be taken lightly. This eclipse will show how these archetypes have assumed great power in the mind of the collective, which is indicated by Saturn in Aquarius superior square to Moon and Uranus on Rahu. Saturn is the proxy for and defender of the Great Goddess and manifests as the Dark Goddess, or her servant and enforcer.
These dark archetypes are very strong in Scorpio season, which is naturally a time when Life Force is returning to the earth. Nature is reclaiming her creation in the cycle of the seasons. The overtly feminine archetype, Moon and Venus, are in their fall and Exile in the fraught psychological territory of Scorpio. It is no mistake that transiting Venus is exiled from her functional Taurean manifestation when in Scorpio, but note that she also in her Decan during this eclipse: she has a certain skill in this territory to deal with the many challenges that arise from conflict, decay, death and trauma, which provides a beacon of hope.
These dark archetypes are being invoked by the blatant disregard for human life that corporate and deep state actors continually display toward humanity, especially toward children, and the very ability of mankind to reproduce and flourish. The Moon in Taurus wants to nurture and defend her Children, she is the midwife to Gaia. Uranus is symbolic of the violent fallout of the Great Goddess’ wrath when she perceives that her children are threatened.
This eclipse will reveal extreme decay, rot and corruption in the establishment, in ways so obvious that it will be hard to miss. Uranus is typically associated with technology and innovation, and the eclipse will reveal the abuse of technology by the powerful. In a mythological context, the story of Uranus is about emasculation and castration- to surrender, or have removed by force, the will or ability to individuate, or make decisions for oneself. This is the continuing disempowerment and infantilization of humanity on a global scale. This is clearly indicating an attempt to steal the election in the US, to de-platform, silence, pillory, and emasculate those who seek change through sanctioned means- means which are increasingly controlled and altered by technocratic digital algorithmic deceit.
The eclipse happens on Tuesday, Mars’ day, at Mars’ hour, while the Sun is rising in Mars’ sign of Scorpio, at a time when Mars has just gone retrograde, so there is is a huge Martial fingerprint on this eclipse even though he is off axis from the actual event. Mercury, Sun and Venus do the work of Mars in Scorpio, which is the natural role of eliminating toxic impurities as the Life Force descends into the Root- this implies the natural breakdown of order into a compost, to be reclaimed in the creation of new life and new possibilities. Sun maintains warmth and identity, and guides us through this time, while Mercury in cazimi sees clearly and cogently what can be done in this situation to reap the maximum benefit. He remains calm, collected and mercenary. Mercury sees the opportunity in crisis and deftly navigates the roil and churn of Scorpio’s troubled waters.
Mars in retrograde is the warrior in retreat, perhaps cornered or attempting to regroup for another battle- this indicates some vulnerability, perhaps battle fatigue, but there is a sense that the gloves are off, the threat is real, and things are serious. Mars in Gemini is overwhelmed with possibilities and is extremely resourceful, and also very ungrounded and quick to act, often without prudent consideration of long term consequence. Gemini is a cerebral place, and it is also a place where the Goddess herself divides into the Barren and the Fertile paths. Mars reverse march reminds us of the potential for real physical destruction that looms when Herds of humanity act simultaneously with incredible hubris, and also like a cornered animal.
Eclipses are naturally times of revelation of corruption in the halls of power: deceit and duplicity at the highest levels lead to Byzantine machinations and changes of leadership- but these are usually passion plays, window dressing taken to allow the status quo to remain in effect, unless resolute action is taken by enough people that the parasites cannot ignore. This eclipse in the Scorpio/Taurus axis highlights the summoning of the Dark Goddess in the form of the ancestors: those who came before us remind us both of our fragility and ultimate fate, death, but also of the indomitability of our spirit.
We are the children of the Goddess, in the most productive and resourceful ways, and in the most destructive ways, informed by trauma. This eclipse reminds us that things are not all black and white: we must live with the archetypes that are endemic to creation, they are within our psycho-spiritual makeup and manifest undeniably in the outer world. The Battle of the Sexes is a necessary duality that moves human consciousness forward by allowing us the embody who and what we truly are, without guilt, fear or shame. The potential for catastrophe remains real and perhaps unprecedented, and yet the opportunity for sane discourse is undeniable if we back away from dogmatic ideological thinking and end our hedonistic complicity with virtue-peddling eugenicists and nihilists who always scream the loudest, and manufacture crises to keep us in chains.
copyright 2022 Michael M Suter, all rights belong to the author. Do not replicate without express consent from the author.